

This project would not have been possible without the helping hands and big brains of numerous people.

Firstly, to Samuel BOTTANI and Sophie BERNARD for their organisation of this BioFabLab project, including access to the OpenLab space and assistance with the administrative side of things.

Then, to the MakerLab (specifically Kevin LHOSTE and Akaki KUUMERI) for their time and guidance with respect to all things engineering: 3D printing, arduino, electronics, water pumps, and for reminding us of basic physics rules (that we had definitely not forgotten).

To the C4 Lab for their supervision (Gisella VETERE and Maëlle CHRISTIAENS), assistance (Clément POUGET), and support (Nina MAZZA and Pablo FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA), and of course for their coffee machine which carried us through many rainy afternoons. A special thanks for making the effort to include us in their journal club meetings, and for the addition of the "dummy slides" which allowed us to follow along from the start.

For us to have even started, we give thanks to the BioFabLab group of 2023 (Adrien D'HOLLANDE, Elif EZGI INAN and Aurore DE LA FOUCHARDIÈRE) for answering all of our questions, and generously sharing their process and documents with us.

Last but not least, to "Oui Ouais", for it all.