Project 2023

Sale (14)
2023 BME students Adrien d'Hollande, Elif Ezgi Inan, and Aurore de la Fouchardière with their final Olfactometer prototype.

The design

The BioFabLab group of 2023 designed an arduino-controlled olfactometer for two odors based on the design by Aviles-Rosa et al. (2021).

Their olfactometer used python programming to open and close four solenoid valves: one for general airflow into the system, one for each odor release, and one for clean or odorous airflow out of the system. The circuitry was encased in a 3D printed box and used robust teflon tubing to transport the air through the system via the valve-controlled release. The olfactometer was activated using the designed GUI on a computer hooked up to the olfactometer via a COM3 port. There were three airflow feedback modes: clean air purge, odor 1, and odor 2.

Sale (9)
Graphical abstract outlining the scope of the 2023 project, which focused mainly on the design and assembly of the olfactometer system.

The limitations

Their design was largely prototypical, and air was pumped through manually without sophisticated automation. Otherwise, the project was largely a success, achieving the goals set out by the C4 Lab.

However, there remained room for future improvement. This included tweaking the system to allow constant airflow (ideally from an air tank), sealing the pipe leaks, addressing the overheating valves, and expanding the number of odor vials to correspond to the grant (i.e. three). Finally, for the olfactometer to be used experimentally, a mouse head-fixation prototype would need to be designed and mounted to the entire system, along with a water delivery system and recording setup to assess mouse state during training and experimentation.

Click on this picture to learn more about the 2023 project:Logo Biofab 6