

MVC model short explanations

Manual Control

These functions allow the user to set a time duration in seconds and a mode.
When both are chosen, the user can then start the device which will be in the chosen mode for the chosen duration.
Manual Control Interface
Capture D’écran 2023 03 28 À 23.41.12

Excel Control

To control the device in a more automated way with different modes and durations, the user can decide to load a .csv file.
These functions allow the input of the file and run its commands.
Excel Control Interface
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Emergency Stop

In case something happens during the experiment an emergency stop button has been implemented.
It will put the device in purge for 10 seconds and then stop it.
Stop Interface
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Naming Experiment Information

As experiments need to be specifically identified, naming the chosen protocol, the experimented mouse, and the delivered odors is important.
Experiment Information Interface
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General Feedback

To understand in which state is the device, general feedbacks return the mode and the remaining time in this mode.
Feedback Interface

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State Plotting

To give more visual feedback, the modes of the last 6 seconds are plotted.
Plot Interface
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Overall interface

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List Slides